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July 28, 2016
   Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 28, 2016 – 7 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Bldg. Planning Mtg. Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present along with T.A. Nina Nazarian. Also, Dave Cruise and Bill Lawson from Adv. Com.; Steve Mirick and Chris Conway from Facilities Planning Cmte. In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Jon F. and seconded by Edith M. unless noted otherwise.

7:05 PM   Stan opened meeting and Nina distributed a memo from Jon F. edited by Steve M. concerning Bagg Hall. Steve M. reiterated priority/goals as: renovate Bagg Hall; Public Safety; Princeton Center. He stressed that building maintenance needs to become a regular spending article with service contracts put into place on municipal properties—all agreed. Edith views the broadband project as the first item to be settled or funded before anything else can be seriously addressed. It was reported that a broadband survey is due next week.
        Steve M. suggested setting aside funds at ATM each year to address critical maintenance needs; to keep buildings from crumbling, maybe up to $500,000/yr. There are two (applicable) stabilization funds totaling about $900,000 right now. Stan outlined three possible funding sources: free cash; stabilization funds; increasing taxes to the levy limit. Nina noted that the procedures in place for road projects would be welcomed for assistance on building upgrades, where the committee could explore grant opportunities and serve in an advisory capacity.
        Dave C. asked if the NW corner of Bagg Hall is continually sinking or has it stabilized, and if so, when. Steve and Chris explained that it can be tested by a geotechnical engineer and that analyzing the foundation is part of a feasibility study, along with space planning. Bagg Hall already has $65,000 approved for a feasibility study. A citizens’ survey was suggested. Chris insisted that town officials must have needs and goals clearly defined before engaging an architect, or they will flounder. Don’t expect a design consultant to figure out the selectmen’s ultimate goal for each building or what the townspeople want.
8:20 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the Facilities Planning Committee Final Report dated April 2016. BOS will use their goal-setting retreat in August to discuss a date for getting ‘request for qualifications’ in from architects. Stan asked everyone to come up with a list of requirements for the RFQ. Nina offered to share a 12 page template for RFQs. Stan asked Dave C. to run numbers for a new public safety building using figures from the HKT Report.
8:40 PM  Discussed next agenda, for meeting Thursday, Aug. 18 at 7 PM. It should add financing as an item, including discussion on grants and return-on-investment of rent revenue at P.C. vs. cost of shutting it down. It had been suggested that town users of the PC building (COA) could lease space from churches or the Worcester Road business complex for less cost than fixing PC.
8:45 PM  During public comment, Phil Gransewicz asked about a study from over two years ago that asked for PC and ‘life-safety’ issues to get first priority. Stan explained that capital spending projects take a long time for planning and completion in a municipality and priorities can change.
.9:05 PM  Selectmen went into executive session. Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Six - To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Stan then announced that the Board would enter into executive session to discuss the WRSD Lease Agreement for TPS and adjourn from executive session.  SEE SEPARATE MINUTES
9:30 PM  Adjourned from Exec. Sess.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant
BOS Referenced Documents:  Memo from Jon F. edited by Steve M. concerning Bagg Hall; Facilities Planning Committee Final Report

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department